Euromed Cities Network meeting, Nice 3-4 November 2016 |

Nice | Nice, France
The Euromed Cities Network held a series of meeting on 3rd and 4th November 2016 in Nice (France). The 3rd November was dedicated to an International workshop on water and wastewater in the Mediterranean Cities dedicated to sharing experiences (see agenda and presentations below). The web platform for sustainable Mediterranean cities was launched during the event with a first focus on water and sanitation, it integrates good practices from local authorities as well as a private area to prepare collaborative join projects to learn by doing. A survey is still opened to collect cities and municipalities needs or good practices that could be shared. About 50 euro-Mediterranean cities were represented. This workshop co-organised by OIEAU and SEMIDE with the support of Nice Cote d'Azur Metropole was followed on 4th November by plenary sessions of the Euromed Cities Network. Christian Estrosi, President of Provence Alpes Cotes d'Azur Region (PACA) and President of NCA Metropole was re-elected president of the Euromed Cities Network in presence of the European Commissioner Johannes HAHN in charge of the European Neighbourhood Policy and M. Fathalla SULMASSI, General Secretary of the Union for the Mediterranean. |
2016 EUROMED CITIES NETWORK MEETING: International workshop on water and wastewater in the Mediterranean Cities co - organized by the International Office for Water
Thursday, 3rd November 2016, Mediterranean University Center, Nice
Click to on the heading to see the presentation
Welcome address: Mr. Bernard MASSABO, General Secretary of Euromed Cities Network and Mr. Antoine GEBARA, Mayor of Jdeideh, Vice - President of Euromed Cities Network
Opening: Mr. Hervé PAUL, Chairman of the Water, Sanitation and Energy Commission, Nice Côte d'Azur Metropolis
Introduction: Mrs. Josiane MONGELLAZ, Director of International Cooperation, International Office for Water
Round Table 1: Preserving water resources and improving the performance of water services
- France, Rhone - Mediterranean and Corsica Water Agency: Adaptation to climate change: the "Rhône Méditerranée" Water MasterPlan, Mr. Charles SIMON,
- Morocco, Régie Autonome intercommunale de Distribution d'Eau et d'Electricité de la Wilaya de Fès (RADEEF): Reduction of water loss in water supply systems, Mr. Reda ALAOUI,
- Jordan, Zarqa Municipality: The city in the river basin context: rehabilitation of the Zarqa River, Mr. Mohammad ALZAWAHREH,
Round Table 2 : Wastewater and rainwater management in a context of climate change
- West Bank, Nablus Municipality: Planning and monitoring of the wastewater system of Nablus, Dr. Amal HUDHUD,
- Tunisia, Sousse Municipality: Management of industrial effluents : decontamination and development of the "Oued Hamdoun", Mr. Maher AMARA,
- Greece, Thessaloniki Water Supply and Sewerage - EYATH: Agricultural Re-use & Reclamation of Treated Effluents, Mrs. Caterina CHRISTODOULOU,
Round Table 3: Which cooperation projects and financing tools for the Mediterranean cities ?
- A platform for the exchange of experience for the Mediterranean sustainable cities : needs analysis, sharing experiences, support for project preparation and capacity building, Mr. Eric MINO,
- The international cooperation actions carried out by the French water agencies, Mr. Charles SIMON,
All Dates
- from 03 11 2016 to 04 11 2016