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Villes Durables Méditerranéennes

Les entreprises innovantes dans les domaines de la ville et les territoires durables sont invitées à participer au ” Challenge des 1000 ” (28ème édition du Sommet Afrique-France).

Le 28ème Sommet Afrique-France se tiendra les 4, 5 et 6 juin 2020, à Bordeaux, en présence de nombreux Chefs d’Etat et de Gouvernement. A l’occasion de ce sommet dédié aux villes et territoires durables, l’Etat français invitera à Bordeaux 1 000 Entrepreneurs Africains, à venir présenter leurs solutions à la Cité des Solutions, un salon dédié aux projets et aux solutions pour la ville et les territoires durables.

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Cities are rapidly expanding and water resources are under increasing pressure. We need to find ways to do more with less, while ensuring that cities are resilient to floods, droughts and the challenges of growing water scarcity. Transitioning cities to address these challenges has never been more urgent. The International Water Association has published 17 Principles for Water-Wise Cities in 7 languages together cities water stories. Cities can endorse online the principles and write their own water story to address resilient to floods, droughts and the challenges of growing water scarcity. Looka the the Journey to Water-Wise Cities


EdiCitNet est un réseau participatif et de co-création

L’Edible Cities Network (EdiCitNet) veut faire des villes autour du monde des endroits meilleurs pour vivre par la réalisation concrète et l’intégration institutionnelle d’Edible City Solutions (ECS).

Les Edible City Solutions (ECS) – « Solutions pour une ville comestible » – comprennent toutes les formes de la production, distribution et consommation de nourriture en ville, comme par exemple. des jardins communautaires, l’apiculture, l’élevage de moutons, des façades vertes comestibles, de l’agriculture d’intérieur avancée, des cours de cuisine conviviaux, ou des restaurants offrant des repas à base d’aliments locaux de production urbaine. Toutes ces activités contribuent à l’évolution de la qualité de vie d’une ville en améliorant le climat et la biodiversité, en renforçant la cohésion sociale, en promouvant l’économie verte locale, et en maintenant des circuits clos et durables dans l’usage de ressources locales.

EdiCitNet est soutenu par la Commission Européenne comme action d'innovation dans le cadre du programme Horizon 2020.

visitez son site web disponible en français, anglais, espagnol, italien, allemand, portugais et slovène

Wastewater is a global problem. Today, around 80% of all wastewater is discharged untreated into rivers, lakes and oceans. It creates health and environmental hazards, and contributes to Greenhouse Gas emissions, including nitrous oxide and methane. These emissions are three times larger than those produced by conventional wastewater treatment activities. Recovering water, energy, nutrients and other precious materials embedded in wastewater is an opportunity for cities to transition to the circular economy and contribute to improved water security.

The report, The Reuse Opportunity: Cities seizing the reuse opportunity in circular economy, published by the International Water Association and OFID (the OPEC Fund for International Development), argues that decisive, urgent and large-scale action is needed to dramatically increase wastewater treatment, reuse and recycling. The report states that cities, as drivers of the global economy, must lead this resource revolution to enable a transition to a circular economy.

The Reuse Opportunity: Cities seizing the reuse opportunity in circular economy


“Nature is often seen as a problem, here it is seen as the solution”. This sentence by Josefina Enfedaque may resume the sense of the 1st World Forum on Urban Forests that closed the month of November and opened December in Mantua on a deeply green note. The EC Senior Policy Officer, present at the invitation of URBAN GreenUp, participated in a number of gatherings related to NBS projects, which culminated, in November 30, in the launch of the first Nature-Based Solutions Cooperation Manifesto.

The Manifesto, which aims at guiding the adoption of NBS by other cities, was presented and read in full by its initiator, URBAN GreenUp’s coordinator Raul Sanchez, who said: “We can’t solve our problems with the same thinking that created them.” His take is we need NBS to tackle some of the worst problems we created, “or at least the worst, climate change”. This manifesto, which can be signed online, is meant to show its signatories’ commitment to promote, research and implement Nature-Based solutions.

Urban sustainability indicators are tools that allow planners, managers and policymakers to gauge the socio-economic and environmental impact of existing urban designs, infrastructures, policies, waste disposal systems, pollution and citizens’ access to services. They allow cities to monitor the success of sustainability interventions. This In-depth Report aims to provide local government actors and stakeholders with a concise guide to the best indicator tools currently available.

Click here to download the European Commission report (November 2015)


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